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Sus­tain­able Fuels

In this inter­act­ive data­base you can choose educts, pro­cesses and products for the pro­duc­tion of sus­tain­able fuels. The res­ults dis­play com­pan­ies act­ive in this field with the cor­res­pond­ing technologies.

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(Explan­a­tions to abbre­vi­ations can be found at the bot­tom of this page.)

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H2: Hydro­gen

H2O: Water

CO2: Car­bon dioxide

Energy crops: Mostly low-cost and low-main­ten­ance woody crops or herb­aceous plants used for renew­able bioen­ergy production

Food/​Feed crops: Cul­tiv­ated plants delib­er­ately altered or selec­ted by humans and used for human or anim­al consumption

Residues: Agri­cul­tur­al residues, which can­not be clas­si­fied as waste” as a sig­ni­fic­ant por­tion needs to be left in the field to pre­serve soil struc­ture and fer­til­ity, e.g., rice/​wheat straw, corn stover

Waste: e.g., fry­ing oil, household/​municipal waste, liquid manure

1/2/G: first/​second/​third generation

BtL: Bio­mass to Liquid

DME: Dimethyl ether

DMF: Dimethyl­fur­an

LPG: Lique­fied Pet­ro­leum Gas

OME: Oxy­methyl­ene ether

SAF: Sus­tain­able Avi­ation Fuel