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That is us, IBB Net­zwerk GmbH

We are a ded­ic­ated and agile team of nat­ur­al sci­ent­ists and field experts. As a ser­vice-ori­ented enter­prise, we sup­port the tech­no­lo­gic­al trans­fer in the field of indus­tri­al bio­tech­no­logy and sus­tain­able eco­nomy. Con­nect­ing part­ners from cor­por­a­tions, SMEs and aca­demia is one of our core activ­it­ies. We bridge their expert­ise in joint pro­jects and accel­er­ate the trans­fer from sci­entif­ic evid­ence into innov­at­ive, sus­tain­able and com­pet­it­ive products and processes. 

The Team

  • Prof. Dr. Har­alabos Zorbas

  • Prof. Dr. Har­alabos Zorbas

    Management, Business Development, Lobbying
    Phone: +49 89 74 120-371
    Fax: +49 89 74 120-378

    Prof. Har­alabos Zorbas stud­ied Molecu­lar Bio­logy at LMU Munich and did his doc­tor­ate for Bio­chem­ic­als at MPI for Bio­chem­ic­als, Mar­tin­sried. His fol­low­ing research activ­it­ies at the Insti­tute for Biochemicals/​Gene cen­ter (Prof. Win­nack­er) focused on the DNA’s struc­ture and func­tion, inter­act­ing with pro­teins, e.g., dur­ing euca­ryot­ic rep­lic­a­tion, and with anti­tumor­al agents, e.g., Cis­plat­in-Ana­logs. In 1997, he habil­it­ated in bio­chem­ic­als and was appoin­ted asso­ci­ate pro­fess­or. Prof. Zorbas was pro­fess­or for phar­ma­ceut­ic­al bio­logy at LMU from 1999 to 2000. From 2001 to 2006, he was pro­ject and shared man­ager at BioM AG and mem­ber of the Super­vis­ory Board of sev­er­al port­fo­lio com­pan­ies. Until 2008, he man­aged the busi­ness depart­ment Bav­ari­an Bio­tech­no­logy Cluster” at BioM Biotech Cluster Devel­op­ment GmbH. Since 2004, he is extra­cur­ricular pro­fess­or at LMU. Since its found­a­tion in 2008, Prof. Zorbas is author­ized CEO of IBB Net­zwerk GmbH.

  • Dr. Chris­toph­er Timm

  • Dr. Chris­toph­er Timm

    Project Director, Authorized Officer
    Project management in the field of functional proteins and computer-aided models
    Phone: +49 89 74 120-376
    Fax: +49 89 74 120-378

    Dr. Timm stud­ied chem­ic­al bio­logy at TU Dortmund and fol­lowed his doc­tor­ate at Karls­ruh­er Insti­tute for Tech­no­logy (KIT). After­wards, he gained sub­stan­tial exper­i­ences in pro­ject man­age­ment and devel­op­ment of R&D pro­jects in bio­chem­ic­al industry. Dr. Timm is a cer­ti­fied pro­ject man­ager (PRINCE2 Prac­ti­tion­er Agile) and qual­ity man­ager (Six Sigma Black Belt). Since Janu­ary 2018, he is pro­ject man­ager at IBB Net­zwerk GmbH.

  • Laura Mayrock

  • Laura Mayrock

    Office Manager
    Backoffice, Controlling, HR
    Phone: +49 89 74 120-370
    Fax: +49 89 74 120-378

    After her appren­tice­ship as an office clerk, Laura Mayrock com­pleted the com­mer­cial spe­cial­ist cer­ti­fic­ate at the Cham­ber of Crafts for Swa­bia accord­ing to the Crafts Code, which also includes the so-called Ada-Schein” (instruct­or aptitude test). She then com­pleted fur­ther train­ing to become a cer­ti­fied busi­ness admin­is­trat­or accord­ing to the Crafts Code at the Elb­cam­pus in Ham­burg. This included gen­er­al civil, labour and tax law, vari­ous types of fin­an­cing, mar­ket­ing, human resources man­age­ment, cor­por­ate strategies, value cre­ation, as well as aspects of economics.

    After sev­er­al years of pro­fes­sion­al exper­i­ence in the areas of payroll and fin­an­cial account­ing, pro­ject plan­ning, HR and event man­age­ment, Ms Mayrock has now been part of IBB Net­zwerk GmbH since May 2023 and is respons­ible for all com­mer­cial and busi­ness man­age­ment issues relat­ing to the Cluster for Indus­tri­al Bio­tech­no­logy Bavaria.

  • Dr. Wil­fried Peters

  • Dr. Wil­fried Peters

    Project Manager
    Project management in the field of biopolymers, CO2 and waste usage
    Phone: +49 89 74 120-372
    Fax: +49 89 74 120-378

    Dr. Peters is a chem­ic­al engin­eer and holds a doc­tor­ate in bio­logy. He has mul­tiple years of exper­i­ence in the chem­ic­al industry, par­tic­u­larly in the applied and pro­duc­tion­al sec­tor. In addi­tion, he worked many years in aca­demia focus­ing on physiolo­gic­al, molecu­lar bio­lo­gic­al, molecu­lar genet­ic and med­ic­al ques­tions. Dr. Peters was also inde­pend­ent busi­ness con­sult­ant for the private sec­tor. From 2008 to 2019, he was pro­ject dir­ect­or at IBB Net­zwerk GmbH. Dr. Peters retired in late 2019 but con­tin­ues to work in our team as pro­ject manager.

  • M.Sc. Nicole Unger

  • M.Sc. Nicole Unger

    Project Manager
    Currently on maternity/parental leave
    Phone: +49 89 74 120-373
    Fax: +49 89 74 120-378

    Nicole Unger stud­ied bio­logy at LMU Munich. She star­ted her doc­tor­ate at LMU’s depart­ment of physiolo­gic­al gen­om­ics and fol­lowed her dis­ser­ta­tion advisor to the Uni­ver­sity of Ulm. She assisted in writ­ing pub­lic­a­tions and research pro­pos­als for SPP, SFB and ERANET. Fol­low­ing her applied lab activ­it­ies, Mrs. Unger joined a Munich-based media house oper­at­ing at the inter­face of Life Sci­ences and Fin­ances and gained mul­ti­fa­ceted exper­i­ences in the fields of edit­or­i­als, event organ­iz­a­tion and man­age­ment, pro­ject man­age­ment and pub­lic rela­tion. In Janu­ary 2021, Nicole Unger joined IBB Net­zwerk GmbH as pro­ject manager.

  • Dr. Dina Kouhestani

  • Dr. Dina Kouhestani

    Project manager
    Project Management for Susmat ZIM Network and AI
    Phone: +49 89 74 120-375
    Fax: +49 89 74 120-378

    Dina Kouhest­ani was born in Iran and stud­ied Bio­logy at LMU Munich. After com­plet­ing her mas­ter­’s degree, she earned her Ph.D. at the Uni­ver­sity Hos­pit­al Würzburg in the field of Immun­o­logy and Anti­body Design. She con­tin­ued her aca­dem­ic career as a postdoc­tor­al research­er at the Uni­ver­sity Hos­pit­al Erlan­gen. Dur­ing this time, she suc­cess­fully led the devel­op­ment of a test for the early detec­tion of pan­cre­at­ic can­cer, enhan­cing her skills in man­aging large pro­jects in col­lab­or­a­tion with nation­al and inter­na­tion­al part­ners. Since May 2024, Dina has been work­ing as a Pro­ject Man­ager at IBB Net­zwerk GmbH. In this role, she over­sees innov­at­ive pro­jects in the field of sus­tain­able mater­i­als and pro­motes the applic­a­tion of arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence in indus­tri­al biotechnology. 

  • Dr. Ester Nespoli

  • Dr. Ester Nespoli

    Project manager
    biotechnology and EU-projects
    Phone: +49 89 74 120-374
    Fax: +49 89 74 120-378

    Ester Nespoli, born in Italy, estab­lished a strong back­ground in bio­tech­no­logy at the Uni­ver­sity of Mil­ano Bico­cca before pur­su­ing her doc­tor­ate at Boehringer Ingel­heim in Bib­er­ach an der Riß, Ger­many, and con­duct­ing postdoc­tor­al research at Ulm Uni­ver­sity. Dur­ing this time, she spe­cial­ized in molecu­lar medi­cine and developed expert­ise in con­duct­ing and man­aging research pro­jects and sci­entif­ic col­lab­or­a­tions, gain­ing inter­na­tion­al exper­i­ence. She also acquired sci­ence man­age­ment skills at EMBO and holds cer­ti­fic­a­tions in both clas­sic­al and agile pro­ject man­age­ment. Since 2024, she has been a Pro­ject Man­ager at IBB Net­zwerk, over­see­ing nation­al and inter­na­tion­al pro­jects in indus­tri­al biotechnology.

  • Dr. Isa­belle Effenberger

  • Dr. Isa­belle Effenberger

    Project Manager


    Dr. Isa­belle Effen­ber­ger gradu­ated with a degree in agri­cul­tur­al bio­logy from the Uni­ver­sity of Hohen­heim in Stut­tgart. After com­plet­ing her doc­tor­ate with a focus on pro­tein bio­chem­istry, she moved to the Tech­nic­al Uni­ver­sity of Munich as a post-doc and gained her first exper­i­ence with indus­tri­al research collaborations.

    In her sub­sequent work at a biotech start-up in Fre­is­ing, Isa­belle was able to deep­en her know­ledge and skills in the field of indus­tri­al bio­tech­no­logy, the sci­entif­ic and organ­iz­a­tion­al man­age­ment of indus­tri­al pro­jects and stra­tegic cor­por­ate devel­op­ment. She is also a cer­ti­fied product man­ager for tech­no­logy-based products (Product focus) and has an addi­tion­al qual­i­fic­a­tion in life sci­ences man­age­ment (ATV GmbH). 

    Isa­belle has been work­ing as a pro­ject man­ager in the IBB Net­zwerk GmbH team since June. In this role, she coordin­ates innov­at­ive sus­tain­ab­il­ity pro­jects and is respons­ible for pub­lic relations.

Our Expert­ise

Make use of our long-stand­ing expert­ise and con­tacts to imple­ment your ideas. Get in touch with us! We take pleas­ure in inform­ing you about the many­fold oppor­tun­it­ies either dur­ing a per­son­al meet­ing at our premises, your premises, via phone or online. 

  • Cross-Field Con­nec­tions

    We cre­ate an inter­face among dif­fer­ent industries.

  • Net­work Meetings

    We organ­ize net­work events for our part­ners and inter­ested com­pan­ies on a reg­u­lar basis.

  • Tech­no­logy-Scout­ing

    We ana­lyze cur­rent biotech trends con­tinu­ously and react on new developments.

  • Mar­ket Analysis

    We provide the most import­ant eco­nom­ic news for you in our news portal.

  • Pro­ject Part­ner Acquisition

    We search for the right part­ners and make use of our extens­ive field network.

  • R&D Pro­ject Support

    We sup­port you with your pro­ject elaboration.

  • Fund­ing Applic­a­tion Support

    We give advice and provide tips when apply­ing for funding. 

  • Inter­face Finance/​Funding Services

    We main­tain a list of fund­ing and fin­an­cial possibilities.

  • Pro­ject Management

    We stay on top of report­ing and admin­is­trat­ive tasks for you.

  • Spin-Offs & Start-Ups

    We sup­port your busi­ness start-up and con­nect you with rel­ev­ant partners.

  • Busi­ness Transactions

    We have a con­tact net­work that is your start­ing point for new busi­ness models.

  • Event Man­age­ment

    We plan and organ­ize spe­cial events in dif­fer­ent formats.

  • Mem­ber­ship Representation

    We offer many­fold present­a­tion options: prin­ted, digit­al or on-site.

  • Pub­lic Relation

    We man­age press releases and con­fer­ences, indus­tri­al fair organ­iz­a­tion and pro­fes­sion­al articles.

  • Polit­ic­al Dialogue

    We put industry and polit­ics into contact.

Get in touch with us without engagement

Con­nec­ted with

We are a mem­ber of

We are com­ple­ment­ary to

We cooper­ate with state insti­tu­tions like

Our His­tory

Foun­ded as the win­ner of the nation­al cluster com­pet­i­tion in 2008, and through fol­low­ing diverse inter­me­di­ate steps, we cre­ated our cur­rent, broad fields of activ­it­ies (LINK). We put our efforts into the com­mis­sion of a sus­tain­able eco­nomy and devel­op our own busi­ness togeth­er with our partners. 

  • 2022

    Our big inter­na­tion­al event ​“The Inter­na­tion­al Sus­tain­able Eco­nomy For­um” (ISEF) was held in June.
  • 2021

    We inter­na­tion­al­ize our efforts in the usage of CO2 by join­ing the ​“Renew­able Car­bon Ini­ti­at­ive”. In addi­tion, we became part of the EU-pro­ject BIO­MAC, which aims to estab­lish an Open Innov­a­tion Test Bed (OITB) eco­sys­tem that can increase the mar­ket read­i­ness and pro­duc­t…
  • Our com­plete history…


  • Due to both its net­works and its events and inde­pend­ent sup­port ser­vices, IBB Net­zwerk GmbH offers an excel­lent plat­form for identi­fy­ing part­ners and fin­an­cing solu­tions and thus shift­ing high-risk R&D&I pro­jects into a suf­fi­ciently prom­ising and bear­able eco­nom­ic cor­ridor. Through IBB, new innov­a­tions, tech­no­lo­gies and products are thus cata­lysed, secur­ing the long-term future not only of mk2, but also of Bav­aria as a busi­ness location.

    Dr. Konstantinos Antonopoulos Geschäftsführer mk2 Biotechnologies GmbH
  • We have known the IBB for many years, as it sup­por­ted us, among oth­er things, when we settled in Bav­aria. Fur­ther­more, we are a mem­ber of the Cluster for Indus­tri­al Bio­tech­no­logy, the Förderver­ein, as well as the ZIM innov­a­tion net­work Sus­Mat — Sus­tain­able Mater­i­als” and the estab­lished net­work UseCO2”. Our exper­i­ence of work­ing with IBB on sev­er­al pro­jects, net­works and ser­vice con­tracts has been very pos­it­ive. IBB is an extremely import­ant play­er in the ini­ti­ation of fund­ing pro­jects, sup­ports the part­ners in the form­a­tion of pro­ject con­sor­tia as well as in the applic­a­tion for fund­ing and is also an import­ant con­tact and sup­port­er after­wards. This makes IBB an indis­pens­able part of the Bav­ari­an indus­tri­al bio­tech­no­logy land­scape. We sup­port every effort by IBB to con­tin­ue and expand its business.

    Dr. Doris Hafenbradl Geschäftsführerin Electrochaea GmbH
  • New con­tacts, assist­ance in acquir­ing new pro­jects and numer­ous use­ful events have brought us and IBB togeth­er. Par­tic­u­larly in the still young ZIM net­work Sus­Mat”, which is man­aged by IBB, we were able to estab­lish suc­cess­ful col­lab­or­a­tions and start work­ing togeth­er with an indus­tri­al part­ner after a very short time thanks to the pro­fes­sion­al and fast way of work­ing. For these reas­ons, we are a mem­ber of the IBB and appre­ci­ate the valu­able work.

    Lucas Großmann Institut für Kreislaufwirtschaft der Bio:Polymere Hochschule Hof
  • As the region­al asso­ci­ation of Bav­ari­an mills, the Bay­erischer Müller­bund e.V. is a long-stand­ing mem­ber of the Indus­tri­al Bio­tech­no­logy Cluster.
    We would like to emphas­ise that we feel well rep­res­en­ted and rep­res­en­ted in this cluster with our con­cerns. Through the IBB net­work, we have suc­ceeded in ini­ti­at­ing import­ant research pro­jects that hold out the pro­spect of prom­ising util­isa­tion of domest­ic mill by-products and non-util­is­able resid­ual mater­i­al streams from the milling industry.
    We are very grate­ful to the IBB Net­zwerk GmbH team for this extraordin­ary sup­port in many respects, because our mem­ber­ship offers not only per­son­al sup­port but also the oppor­tun­ity for net­work­ing, hand­ling R&D pro­jects, inform­a­tion about fund­ing meas­ures and much more.
    IBB Net­zwerk GmbH occu­pies an essen­tial pos­i­tion for us and thus a region­al and supra-region­al sig­ni­fic­ance for indus­tri­al bio­tech­no­logy in Bavaria.

    Bayerischer Müllerbund e.V. Geschäftsführer Bayerischer Müllerbund e.V.
  • Through our IBB mem­ber­ship, we gain fast and tar­geted access to nation­al and inter­na­tion­al expert circles and net­works. By advising on the applic­a­tion and imple­ment­a­tion of suit­able fund­ing meas­ures, innov­at­ively linked R&D cooper­a­tion part­ner­ships with high sci­entif­ic and oper­a­tion­al pro­spects of suc­cess are formed in this way. Since VWP oper­ates inter­na­tion­ally, mainly because of the coun­tries of ori­gin of a wide vari­ety of oil plants, IBB Net­zwerk GmbH assumes a medi­at­ing and bridging func­tion between non-European interests/​markets and the com­pet­ence and strong pos­i­tion of indus­tri­al bio­tech­no­logy in Bavaria.

    Dr. Georg Gruber Geschäftsführer Vereinigte Werkstätten für Pflanzenöltechnologie Dr. Gruber/Gruber GbR
  • For us, IBB is the long-stand­ing part­ner and con­tact for this sec­tor. IBB net­works the play­ers, ini­ti­ates pro­jects and provides import­ant impulses. We have there­fore sup­por­ted IBB since the beginning.

    Kai Kress Vorstand 2mag AG
  • As a mem­ber of the Indus­tri­al Bio­tech­no­logy Cluster, we have the oppor­tun­ity to make per­son­al con­tact with an even wider range of part­ners via the net­work meet­ings, we receive assist­ance in set­ting up con­sor­tia and can find out about pub­lic fund­ing pro­grammes and news from the industry. We appre­ci­ate the pro­fes­sion­al event organ­isa­tion and sup­port for our con­cerns, which is why we are now involved in two net­works man­aged by IBB Net­zwerk GmbH. We will there­fore be happy to con­tin­ue our co-oper­a­tion with IBB Net­zwerk GmbH in the future.

    Dr. Christian Schütz Wissenschaftlicher Referent / Projektkoordinator, Bereich Kunststoffe Fraunhofer-Institut für Betriebsfestigkeit und Systemzuverlässigkeit LBF
  • Bio­tech­no­logy is a cent­ral build­ing block for us to devel­op solu­tions for our busi­ness areas of Health, Sus­tain­able Chem­istry and Envir­on­ment­al and Cli­mate Pro­tec­tion. Here we can count on the sup­port of IBB Net­zwerk GmbH, which pro­motes the exchange of net­work part­ners in very dif­fer­ent formats (net­work­ing events, con­fer­ences, dir­ect medi­ation of con­tacts) and thus offers us the oppor­tun­ity to gain cus­tom­ers and part­ners. Anoth­er import­ant aspect is the inform­a­tion about the frame­work and fund­ing con­di­tions of bio­tech­no­logy, which we appre­ci­ate very much. In our view, IBB Net­zwerk GmbH is of par­tic­u­lar import­ance for the bio­tech­no­logy com­munity in Ger­many, both region­ally and nation­ally. That is why we sup­port IBB Net­zwerk GmbH through our mem­ber­ship in the association.

    Dr. Markus Wolperdinger Institutsleitung Fraunhofer-Institut für Grenzflächen- und Bioverfahrenstechnik IGB
  • The nova-lnsti­tut is an inter­na­tion­al research and con­sult­ing insti­tute with about 50 sci­ent­ists and a focus on renew­able car­bon”. In this con­text, this primar­ily rep­res­ents bio­mass and CO2, and indus­tri­al bio­tech­no­logy is of fun­da­ment­al import­ance for both. IBB there­fore has an import­ant role here in sup­port­ing this trans­form­a­tion in Bav­aria and through­out Ger­many through a vari­ety of pro­jects at a high level.

    Michael Carus Direktor und Gründer nova-Institut GmbH
  • The use of bio-based raw mater­i­als and the applic­a­tion of bio­tech­no­lo­gic­al pro­cesses usu­ally turn out to be a more sus­tain­able solu­tion than fossil resource con­sump­tion and chem­ic­al pro­cesses. For this reas­on, we have been involved for many years as a mem­ber of the asso­ci­ation and in the IBB sub-net­works. First and fore­most is the BioPlastik” cooper­a­tion net­work. Togeth­er with oth­er com­mit­ted com­pan­ies and insti­tu­tions from this net­work, such as Jowat SE, Unaver­a­Chem­Lab GmbH and oth­ers, we have been able to launch sev­er­al pro­jects and thus advance the devel­op­ment of bio-based poly­mers and plastics. In addi­tion to the ongo­ing pro­ject and net­work­ing oppor­tun­it­ies dur­ing the pro­ject ini­ti­ation phase, we also appre­ci­ate the excel­lent pro­ject com­mu­nic­a­tion provided by Pro­fess­or Zorbas’ team, which we had already integ­rated into our know­ledge and res­ults com­mu­nic­a­tion pro­jects for experts and the public.

    Dr. Inna Bretz Abteilungsleiterin Zirkuläre und Biobasierte Kunststoffe Fraunhofer-Institut für Umwelt-, Sicherheits- und Energietechnik UMSICHT
  • The bio­tech­no­lo­gic­al pro­duc­tion and pro­cessing meth­ods estab­lished by my chair are suit­able for pro­du­cing indus­tri­al quant­it­ies of silk mater­i­al that can be used in many areas of tech­no­logy. How­ever, this has only been pos­sible in recent years with innov­at­ive part­ners. IBB plays a key role in this, as it helps us to get in touch with cus­tom­ers, part­ners and com­pet­it­ors loc­ally, e.g. with­in the frame­work of IBB’s net­work­ing events. IBB is an import­ant inter­face that gives us access to indus­tri­al bio­tech­no­logy from with­in the uni­ver­sity. That is why we have been a mem­ber of the asso­ci­ation for many years.

    Prof. Dr. Thomas Scheibel Lehrstuhl Biomaterialien Universität Bayreuth
  • FABES Forschungs-GmbH is an SME that has been a mem­ber of the Indus­tri­al Bio­tech­no­logy Cluster for many years, as well as in the vari­ous net­works of IBB Net­zwerk GmbH. FABES has par­ti­cip­ated in vari­ous pro­jects in dif­fer­ent work­ing groups and has achieved good research res­ults with the ana­lyt­ic­al data obtained. IBB has always sup­por­ted us in many ways, such as the oppor­tun­ity to net­work, the hand­ling of research pro­jects, inform­a­tion about fund­ing meas­ures and much more. IBB occu­pies an essen­tial pos­i­tion and thus a region­al and supra-region­al sig­ni­fic­ance for indus­tri­al bio­tech­no­logy in Bav­aria and beyond.

    Dr. Monika Rüter Geschäftsführerin FABES Forschungs-GmbH für Analytik und Bewertung von Stoffübergängen
  • Sil­antes has exper­i­enced IBB as an import­ant, com­pet­ent part­ner in the devel­op­ment of its tech­niques, not only in the suc­cess­ful hand­ling of the fund­ing land­scape (most recently in the sup­port provided as part of the Bay. Ini­ti­at­ive Call for Bio­tech­no­logy”), but fur­ther­more in the net­work cooper­a­tion in the cre­ation of innov­at­ive Sil­antes products, such as iso­tope-labelled mouse feed, a spe­cial product for quant­it­at­ive pro­teo­m­ics and meta­bolo­m­ics in mice. For us, IBB’s con­nec­tions into aca­demia and polit­ics have proven help­ful in expand­ing our activities.

    IBB is not only act­ive in the Munich met­ro­pol­it­an region, but has its sights set on the whole of Bav­aria. This has benefited Sil­antes, which is devel­op­ing out of the labor­at­ory sec­tor and look­ing for sites for pilot plants. IBB’s fin­ger-point­ing at north­ern Bav­aria (Straub­ing and Deg­gen­dorf) as pos­sible altern­at­ives to Munich for afford­able land to build pilot plants has been suc­cess­fully used by Silantes.

    Pro­fess­or Zorbas, togeth­er with his team, has man­aged to bring IBB togeth­er with the sub­groups of SMEs, aca­demia and large com­pan­ies into a power­ful asso­ci­ation, mak­ing it an import­ant build­ing block in the Bav­ari­an innov­a­tion land­scape in the field of indus­tri­al biotechnology.

    Dr. Hermann Heumann Geschäftsführer Silantes GmbH
  • IBB Net­zwerk GmbH has built up an extens­ive cluster in the field of indus­tri­al bio­tech­no­logy over the last few years, res­ult­ing in valu­able links between the aca­dem­ic and indus­tri­al worlds. Through strong expan­sions in recent years, the loc­al cluster has increas­ingly become a cluster with high-rank­ing part­ners from all over Ger­many and bey­ond. For the aca­dem­ic world, it is essen­tial to estab­lish con­tacts with industry for applic­a­tion-ori­ented research and know­ledge trans­fer, and IBB is always a reli­able and help­ful part­ner here. The net­work­ing events organ­ised for this pur­pose provide an excel­lent stage to present one’s own top­ics, to engage in inform­al con­ver­sa­tion and not infre­quently ideas for joint research pro­jects and oth­er forms of cooper­a­tion have emerged from this.

    Prof. Dr. David Kostner Forschungsgruppe Industrielle Biotechnologie Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften München