WoodWisdom-Net+ Call for Pre-Proposals 2013 opened
The indicative total available budget of the WoodWisdom-Net Joint Call 2013 amounts to 24.000.000,00 € (national public funding including EC top-up funding of 8 M€). The total call volume with industrial co-funding is estimated to be up to ca. 30 M€. The call for pre-proposals ends on 30th April, 2013. The main approach in WW-Net+ is the substitution of non-renewable resources (e.g. materials or fossil fuels), by renewable forest-based solutions to reduce carbon emissions and waste. The joint transnational call will address the whole forest-based value chain in four areas. These are:
the sustainable management of forest resources through
their efficient utilisation in industrial processes to
value added products and
competitive customer solutions.
The exact scope of the call is currently being designed via stakeholder consultation and expert workshops across Europe. The funders are particularly keen to encourage innovative transnational proposals from multidisciplinary groups of researchers with optimal combinations of expertise to address the call topic areas. The participation of commercial and industrial partners – especially small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) – is strongly recommended to ensure the relevance of the research to technological development and to the needs of society. The call was officially launched in connection with the WoodWisdom-Net seminar in Munich, Germany on 20 – 21 February, 2013. The second day of the seminar was a brokerage event for the 4th Joint Call including flash presentations either for competence or project ideas. For the flash presentations, please see the seminar website at http://www.woodwisdom.net/. For the call documents, please see at the right side or at WoodWisdom-Net+. The WoodWisdom-Net+ consortium has established a Call Secretariat on behalf of all of the funding partners. General enquiries about this call should be addressed to: WoodWisdom-Net+ Call Secretariat Agency for Renewable Resources (FNR)/ Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management (BMLFUW) call(at)woodwisdom.net Source: CORDIS Wire