The BIO-TIC project: a European success story in the area of industrial biotechnology
The BIO-TIC website gathers the latest news on industrial biotechnology from all value chain partners and links with past EU-funded projects such as the BIOCHEM and Star-COLIBRI project. With a long list of ongoing events in Europe and elsewhere, BIO-TIC aims to bring together experts from all relevant value chain groups to accelerate market uptake of biobased products. If you want to get involved with BIO-TIC, you can join the LinkedIn Group, called Industrial Biotech for Europe, a virtual discussion forum to debate BIO-TIC issues. BIO-TIC wants to take into account visions and interests from all relevant stakeholders to form a coherent plan so the group is open to anyone who is interested in the transformative potential of industrial biotechnology. Funded by the European Commission, BIO-TIC is a three-year project which aims to establish an overview of the barriers to biotech innovation and design a clear action plan to overcome them. Launched in September 2012 by 11 partners, BIO-TIC is centered on a solid roadmapping exercise that will involve all value chain partners, from broad industry to academia, knowledge organisations, governments and civil society. For more information about the project contact Jasmiina Laurmaa at