Smart prognostic tools for biotechnology and medicine
Martinsried, 28/08/2017 — In the middle of August, the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy gave the green light to the cooperation network “MoDiPro”. With about 140,000 euros, the network partners are supported initially for one year. In the network, computer-based models shall be developed in order to make valid predictions and to create the possibility to act preventively in biotechnological research, development and production as well as in the clinic. The partners combine expertises from medium-sized industries, academies and clinics. “MoDiPro” was initiated by the Industrielle Biotechnologie Bayern Netzwerk GmbH (IBB Netzwerk GmbH). The kick-off meeting took place in July in Martinsried near Munich.
What is it about?
“Models for diagnostics and process optimization” — this is behind the acronym “MoDiPro”. The network aims to open up unused productivity potentials in biotechnological industrial processes and to develop new methods for individualized medicine by means of modern computer-supported modeling. To this end, network partners from data collection, modeling, software / hardware development and end users work closely together. Appropriate network products are e.g. diagnostic tools and digital decision-supporting tools for physicians or clever sensor-control-modules that optimize industrial production processes in real-time.
Added value.
Prof. Haralabos Zorbas, Managing Director of IBB Netzwerk GmbH, emphasizes the added value of the network: “Cooperation networks provide a highly fertile ground for implementing innovative ideas more efficiently and economically in R&D projects and for realizing market-ready products and processes. According to our experience with three cooperation networks, I am convinced that also within ‘MoDiPro’ future-oriented projects and products will be created!” In addition to the organization of regular network meetings, IBB Netzwerk GmbH supports its partners in acquiring further, suitable project partners as well as in initiating and elaborating R&D proposals. Furthermore, the contact to potential customers and end users, e.g. large-scale industries and clinics, shall be strengthened.
Join the network!
“MoDiPro” has been funded retroactively since June 2017 by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy within the framework of the “Central Innovation Program for SMEs”. The funding sum is about 140,000 euros for the first year and covers 90% of the total costs. A continuation in a second phase will be pursued. Currently, the network consists of the small and medium-sized companies AptaIT GmbH, ATG:biosynthetics GmbH, Biomax Informatics AG, cellasys GmbH, Insilico Biotechnology GmbH, provenion GmbH, Trace Analytics GmbH and TWT GmbH, as well as the “Data-driven computational modeling” group at Helmholtz Zentrum München and the “Specialty division for systems biotechnology” at the Technical University of Munich. Interested companies who would like to participate in R&D projects are welcome to join the network! Source: IBB Netzwerk GmbH/ki