Promoting renewable energy use
The main elements of the Council’s general approach are as follows:
- Consumers will benefit from simplified notification procedures for small-scale installations, and the rights and obligations of ‘renewable self-consumers’ as well as renewable energy communities are now clearly set out.
- Regarding heating and cooling, member states will have to adopt measures to achieve an indicative annual 1 percentage point increase in the share of renewable energy. As existing national systems and installations differ widely across the EU in this respect, this is taken into account in the Council text. In particular, it reflects the specific characteristics of ‘cooling’ installations in warmer climates.
- In the transport sector, the renewables target for 2030 is set at 14% for each member state, and there is a sub-target of 3% for ‘advanced biofuels’, for which double-counting will be allowed. This advanced biofuels target has an intermediate binding milestone of 1% in 2025 to increase investment security and guarantee the availability of fuels throughout the period. Electromobility is strongly encouraged by two multipliers of 5x for renewable electricity used in road transport, and of 2x for rail transport. The existing 7% cap on first-generation biofuels is maintained to provide certainty to investors. If a member state sets a lower cap, it will be rewarded with the option of lowering its overall target for renewables in transport.