Pre-Announcement of 2ndFACCESURPLUS Call for proposals
The Joint Programming Initiative on Agriculture, Food Security and Climate Change (FACCE-JPI) brings together 22 countries that are committed to building an integrated European Research Area addressing the interconnected challenges of sustainable agriculture, food security and impacts of climate change. In the frame of the ERA-NET Cofund FACCESURPLUS (Sustainable and Resilient agriculture for food and non-food systems), the partner organisations listed in the table hereunder will launch a call for proposals.
Aim and scope of the call
The present call for proposals aims to improve collaboration and cooperation across the European Research Area in the area of sustainable intensification of food and non-food biomass production and decentralised transformation systems, in particular small scale multi-input, multi-product biorefinery concepts. It aims as well at supporting local innovation and value creation from biomass and biorefineries in synergy with the environmentally sustainable intensification of biomass production taking into account the required economic, environmental and social conditions and resilience to climate change. Strong synergies between agricultural production and the food and processing/chemical industry are required for any biorefinery concept, therefore the inclusion of both production and transformation sectors is essential.
The call invites proposals for collaborative research and development of transnational consortia of research organisations and companies from at least 2 countries participating in the call. The duration of proposed projects may be up to 36 months. National eligibility rules, including the potential eligibility of the private sector, e.g. SMEs, must be followed and will be published together with the call text on the FACCESURPLUS website. Non-eligible partners may join at their own expense. Source: FACCESURPLUS website: