Bionatic was founded by Robert Czichos. Previously, he had worked as management consultant in the context of a market analysis of the plastic disposal and recycling. Considering the problem of plastic waste exports to third world countries, he developed a personal interest in sustainably produced bio-based plastics and the idea of offering more environmentally friendly packaging for food and food services.
Due to the increasing environmental problems of petroleum-based plastics (pollution of land and sea areas, global warming), and simultaneously, continuing increase in consumer demand for convenience products, the question of more environmentally friendly, sustainable alternatives arises in many countries. This is because, despite all the desirable objectives regarding the fundamental avoidance of consumer waste, the reality of life in many countries requires the safe transport and protection of affordable food that is produced, distributed and consumed in a dislocated manner. After a preparatory phase of about one year, the company Bionatic was founded in 2009. At the beginning of 2010, the first products were placed in the first web store. Under the name “greenbox”, an initial range of around 250 different packaging solutions made from regenerative or recycled raw materials had been developed, which has grown to over 450 stock products to date. In recent years, a large number of customers and trade partners in Germany and neighboring European countries have been won over for Bionatic’s sustainable products.