Electrochaea, Carbonaxion Bioénergies and Énergir are joining forces to develop an innovative Power-to-Gas (#P2G) project in Québec, Canada
Carbonaxion, a company dedicated to the development of clean energy projects, would like to thank the governments of Quebec and Canada, for the financial assistance received totaling nearly $350,000. The amounts received are as follows:
• A $300,000 grant from the government of Quebec, as part of the program to support the production of renewable natural gas (PSPGNR), which results from the 2030 Plan for a Green Economy.
• A non-repayable contribution of $47,820 from the Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) Clean Fuels Fund.
These amounts will go towards the feasibility study of a project aimed at producing 3rd generation renewable natural gas (3GRNG). The 3GRNG will be obtained by combining biogenic CO2 from a landfill site with green hydrogen (H2), using innovative biocatalytic methanation technology developed by the German firm Electrochaea GmbH. To carry out this study, Carbonaxion will be working with two strategic partners: Electrochaea and Énergir Development Inc. The future commercial unit will be located on the site of the Environmental Complex of the Régie régionale de gestion des matières résiduelles de Portneuf (Québec). It will produce approximately 1.6 million cubic meters of 3GRNG annually, increasing the quantity of RNG produced by biogas purification at this landfill site by approximately 70%. This highly technological project will contribute to the fight against climate change by capturing CO2, which would otherwise be emitted into the atmosphere, and transforming it into a fuel with a low carbon footprint. The quantity of greenhouse gases (GHG) avoided is estimated at 3,000 tonnes per year. This project will support the decarbonization of Énergir’s gas network, and help Québec achieve its objective of gradually increasing the volume of RNG in the natural gas distribution network to a minimum of 10% starting in 2030.
About Carbonaxion Bioénergies Inc.
Carbonaxion develops renewable energy projects with a goal to help reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The company acts as a promoter and/or integrator of green solutions, often innovative in terms of technology or business model, aimed at decarbonizing our economy.