Tech-Titanen Zuckerberg, Brin & Co. rufen den “Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences” ins Leben (en)

- Cornelia I. Bargmann
- David Botstein
- Lewis C. Cantley
- Hans Clevers
- Napoleone Ferrara
- Titia de Lange
- Eric S. Lander
- Charles L. Sawyers
- Bert Vogelstein
- Robert A. Weinberg
- Shinya Yamanaka
About the Breakthrough Prize Foundation:
The Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences Foundation is a not-for-profit corporation dedicated to advancing breakthrough research in life sciences, celebrating scientists and generating excitement about the pursuit of science as a career. Additional information about the Foundation and the 2013 recipients of the prizes can be found at www.breakthroughprizeinlifesciences.org.About prize winners:
- Cornelia I. Bargmann: For the genetics of neural circuits and behavior, and synaptic guidepost molecules
- David Botstein: For linkage mapping of Mendelian disease in humans using DNA polymorphisms.
- Lewis C. Cantley: For the discovery of PI 3‑Kinase and its role in cancer metabolism.
- Hans Clevers: For describing the role of Wnt signaling in tissue stem cells and cancer.
- Titia de Lange: For research on telomeres, illuminating how they protect chromosome ends and their role in genome instability in cancer.
- Napoleone Ferrara: For discoveries in the mechanisms of angiogenesis that led to therapies for cancer and eye diseases.
- Eric S. Lander: For the discovery of general principles for identifying human disease genes, and enabling their application to medicine through the creation and analysis of genetic, physical and sequence maps of the human genome.
- Charles L. Sawyers: For cancer genes and targeted therapy.
- Bert Vogelstein: For cancer genomics and tumor suppressor genes.
- Robert A. Weinberg: For characterization of human cancer genes.
- Shinya Yamanaka: For induced pluripotent stem cells.