Sustainable First and Second Generation Bioethanol for Europe
In the context of discussions regarding the draft EU Renewable Energy Directive (REDII), Sustainable First and Second Generation Bioethanol for Europe will provide a platform for discussions on the pros and cons of first and second generation bioethanol. The conference will look at whether the REDII proposals deliver on the European Commission’s mandate to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and decarbonise transport.
Speakers include
Joachim Lutz, CropEnergies CEO: Bioethanol in Europe: What is the status quo and where are we headed?
Prof. Dr. André P.C. Faaij, University of Groningen: Biobased economy as part of sustainable development; reconciling competing claims
Michael Carus and Lara Dammer, nova-Institute: Presentation of brand new research into the sustainability of different feedstocks HW (Wolter) Elbersen, Wageningen UR: Variable demand as an avenue to sustainable first generation biofuels
Olivier Dubois, Leader Energy Programme, Climate and Environment Division (CBC), UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO): Myths, realities and needs on biofuels and food security
Prof. Daniela Thrän, DBFZ/UFZ: Competitiveness of conventional and advanced biofuels
The full conference programme is available on the conference website: The conference will take place on Tuesday 26 September at the Thon Hotel EU in Brussels, Belgium, starting at 9:00 am.