Stakeholder event on a public-private partnership Bio-based Industries
Following the launch of an online public consultation on 21 September 2012 about “Bio-based industries, towards a public-private partnership under Horizon 2020”, DGRTD is organising a one-day stakeholder meeting on 09 January 2013 in Brussels. The aim of the meeting will be to present industry’s vision and objectives of this partnership together with the strategic innovation and research agenda and the results of the online public consultation, which closed on 14 December 2012. Find attached for your information the meeting agenda. The meeting will be opened by DGRTD Director-General Robert-Jan Smits, followed by speakers from industry and research organisations. The meeting will provide opportunities to discuss directly with the speakers relevant issue. All those directly or indirectly connected with the bio-based industries, including representatives of public authorities, farmers and foresters, businesses and associations, academics and technical experts, civil society organisations and individual citizens are encouraged to attend the meeting and to provide their view and feedback on this planned partnership. A final report on the outcome of the online public consultation will be published in the course of 2013, taking into account the conclusions from this stakeholder meeting. Meeting venue at Rue de la Loi 170 Registration: RTD-KBBE-Experts(at) Source: CLIB2021