nova Session “Bio-based Building Blocks and Polymers – Markets, Trends and Innovations”
30. Apr. 2019
Registration closes on 18 April 2019! The production of bio-based polymers has become much more professional and differentiated in recent years. By now, there is a bio-based alternative for practically every application. The capacities and production of bio-based polymers will continue to grow with an expected CAGR of about 4% until 2023, almost at about the same rate as petrochemical polymers and plastics. The most important market drivers in 2018 were brands that wanted to offer their customers environmentally friendly solutions and critical consumers looking for alternatives to petrochemicals. If bio-based polymers were to be accepted as a solution and promoted in a similar way as biofuels, annual growth rates of 10 to 20% could be expected. The same applies as soon as the price of oil rises significantly. Based on the already existing technical maturity of bio-based polymers, considerable market shares can then be gained. So, what will the future bring for the bio-based building block and polymer market? The nova Session will address the latest market data from 2018 to 2023, future trends and recent developments. Which bio-based building blocks, polymers and applications are the most promising? Which countries offer the best political support? Who is ahead in the global race? The nova Session is based on the latest research and market data from nova-Institute’s study “Bio-based Building Blocks and Polymers Global Capacities and Trends 2018 – 2023”. Authors are Raj Chinthapalli, Pia Skoczinski, Michael Carus, Wolfgang Baltus, Doris de Guzman, Harald Käb, Achim Raschka and Jan Ravenstijn. Participants will get insight into data, methodology and important players of the industry. Learn, share and discuss! Source: nova-Insitut GmbH (member of IBB network), Newsletter March 2019