nova Session: Bio-based Building Blocks and Polymers – Markets, Trends and Innovations
The worldwide production capacity for bio-based polymers grew by 4% to 6.6 Million tonnes from 2015 to 2016. This represents a share of 2% of the global polymer market. The bio-based polymer turnover was about €13 billion worldwide in 2016 compared to €11 billion in 2014. Production capacity of bio-based polymers is forecasted to increase from 6.6 million tonnes in 2016 to 8.5 million tonnes by 2021.
So, what will the future bring for the bio-based building block and polymer market?
The first part of the nova Session will address the latest market data from 2011 to 2016, future trends and recent developments. Which bio-based building blocks, polymers and applications are the most promising? Which countries offer the best political support? Who is ahead in the global race?
In the afternoon, the nova Session will offer in-depth information and discussion of two focal points:
Bio-based materials – a revolutionary change: Comprehensive in depth information and latest developments, producers, drivers and lessons learnt for PHA, PLA, PUR/TPU, PA and polymers based on FDCA and SA.
Asian markets for bio-based chemical building blocks and polymers: Latest data and development in China, Japan, Malaysia, South Korea, Taiwan and Thailand. A global capacity of 2.4 million tonnes bio-based polymers was established in 2016, from which more than 45% of the most important bio-based polymers are produced in Asia.
Learn, share and discuss with the word leading bio-based polymer experts Prof. Dr. Jan Ravenstijn (The Netherlands), Dr. Wolfgang Baltus (Thailand), Michael Carus and Achim Raschka (nova-Institut, Germany). nova Sessions are an interactive and informative series of events around topical issues of the bio-based and CO2-based economy. Participants are encouraged to bring their own questions and shape the discussion. Participants will also get a 20% allowance code for nova-Institute’s market studies, available at Source: nova-Institut GmbH