Microplastic in the Environment – Sources, Impacts and Solutions
Scientific studies have shown that plastics greatly contribute to the littering of oceans. In marine protection, plastic particles with a diameter smaller than 5 mm are referred to as microplastics. These can be secondary fragments created by the breaking up of larger pieces of plastic such as packaging materials, or fibres that are washed out of textiles. They can also be primary plastic particles produced in microscopic sizes. These include granulates used in cosmetics, washing powders, cleaning agents or in other applications.
The microplastic conference will:
Identify sources of microplastics and quantify the amount endig up in nature
Reveal impacts on marine ecosystems and human beings
Propose solutions for current problems, such as prevention, recycling and biopolymers
The event will provide plenty of scope for discussion between producers, consumers, scientists, environmental organisations, governmental agencies and other interested stakeholders. After the successful realisation of the first conference on national level in Germany in 2014 with more than 100 participants, we are now expanding the framework of the conference for this year: We are expecting 150 international participants, the conference language will be English and we are planning a program for two days. Please contact Roland Essel if you like to contribute as a speaker: roland.essel(at)nova-institut.de, +49 (0)22334814 – 42 Please contact Jutta Millich if you are interested to become a conference partner/media partner: jutta.millich(at)nova-institut.de, +49 (0)561503580 – 44
You will find more about the conference at: www.microplastic-conference.eu
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