ETB launching Conference: Successful Funding for European life sciences SMEs and clusters
This unique ETB conference gives SMEs, clusters and agencies direct access to the latest information on European Funding opportunities, including the new programs in Horizon 2020.EU officials and experts will zoom in on the different opportunities available, hands-on success stories will be presented and we will help you find the opportunities that work best for you! During an interactive round table, expert speakers will address all your questions and at the networking reception you will have direct access to EU officials, opinion leaders and successful peers.
Who should attend?
You work for a life sciences SME and are looking for additional funding?
You work for a biotech starter, setting up international collaborations?
You are a biotech or life sciences cluster manager, and interested to bring your members more direct information on funding opportunities that work?
You are a cluster manager and always on the look-out to make your organisation more successful and profitable?
Why should you attend?
Concrete information on funding opportunities that are tailored towards SMEs and clusters
Direct access to Horizon 2020 information and responsible EU officials
Unique opportunity to connect with successful peers
Meet with experts that can guide you to funding that works for you
Information on your organisation or company will be included in the conference bag
The ETB conference addresses:
European Funding Opportunities for SMEs, clusters and agencies: Which EU subsidies work for biotech SME’s? What can be expected from Horizon 2020? How to apply for structural funds?
Exploring different Biotech Cluster Business Models: What is the most sustainable model to run a biotech cluster? Which model delivers the most added value to regional SMEs?
Tips to Support Biotech SMEs in their Quest for Funding of R&D & Innovation Programs: How to optimally support SMEs in their search for subsidies? How to apply successfully for European subsidies? What can a biotech cluster contribute
You will find the full programme at the right column. The registration page will be available soon at Registration is free but mandatory. Please note: seats are limited and on a first-come, first-served basis! Upon registration you will receive information on nearby hotels. Vienna is a wonderful city to visit in December. The city is preparing for the holiday season and the city’s Christmas market is famous all over Europe. Source: EuroTransBio