When does biodegradation makes ecoglogical sense? The goal of the ongoing project “BioSinn”, realised by nova-Institute, supported by IKT Stuttgart and funded by FNR e.V. and BMEL, is to find plastic applications for which biodegradation is the most environmentally friendly end-of-life option. Especially when collecting and recycling is impossible. Please find here further information about the project: www.nova-institute.eu/biosinn/home. In the last few months, nova-Institut has worked with their advisory board and experts to create a short-list of 25 products where biodegradation makes sense. Now, nova-Institut organises the 2nd expert workshop in Cologne to discuss the applications in detail and also evaluate international implications. You can find the preliminary list on the project website. The workshop is free of charge, but requires a registration. Please register here. Please note that the number of participants is limited to 40 and therefore, there is a limit of one person per company. The workshop will be held in English. Due to the current situation and to protect everybody’s health, nova will decide closer to the event date if the workshop will take place virtually. Date and time: 11 May 2020, 10 am – 4 pm Venue: Online Webinar www.tagen.erzbistum-koeln.de/maternushaus/language/en/contact/anfahrt/ The workshop is a side event of the 13th International Conference in Bio-based Materials (www.bio-based-conference.com). Participants of the workshop are entitled to get a 20% discount to the big conference. Please let nova-Institut know in case you are interested and we will provide you with an allowance code.