Register for the BioLinX online brokerage for free. Promote your ideas and products and find business partners. Would you like to know about the latest innovations and business opportunities in the European bioeconomy? Then join the 1st BioLinX Online Partnering/Brokerage Event, 8 – 9 June 2017. Meet stakeholders, IP owners and potential partners from all over Europe, discover innovations and technologies and explore the possibilities for cooperation. BioLinX is a H2020 project, with the goal to support FP7 and H2020 projects to commercialize their innovative ideas, and to connect them to new regional networks and markets (grant agreement No 65269). Participation is free of charge — taking part is easy:
Visit, register, enter your profile and upload your cooperation requests today.
Search in the list of participants, contact potential partners via the system.
Meet on 8 – 9 June 2017 in secure online meeting rooms, learn about innovation offers, ask your questions and discuss cooperation opportunities.
The new way to find and meet potential cooperation partners online! Use your chance to obtain a compact overview of the European bioeconomy landscape and develop your business without spending time and money on travelling. Upload informative descriptions of your expertise, organization and discoveries to the BioLinX partnering platform specifying your offers and requests to best your advantage and to enable potential cooperation partners to rapidly identify your profile. You can start right here If you have any questions, just contact Andreas Scriba from DECHEMA e.V (scriba(at)