7th International Conference on Bio-based Materials 2014
This conference aims to provide major players from the European bio-based chemicals, plastics and composite industries with an opportunity to present and discuss their latest developments and strategies. Representatives of political bodies and associations will also have their say alongside leading companies. For the second time, the conference will count with a third day especially dedicated to the recent achievements in research & development. One highlight of the conference will be the presentation of the first running European biorefineries and the state-of-art of Industrial Biotechnology. It’s one of the biggest conferences with more than 180 participants from all over the world and an exhibition which provides an excellent platform for your networking!
IBB Netzwerk GmbH is partner of the 7th International Conference on Bio-based Materials 2014. Register now at: http://www.biowerkstoff-kongress.de/registration and use the discount code “ibb-Netz” in order to obtain a price reduction of 10%!
Background of the conference
The 7th International Conference on Bio-based Materials (“Biowerkstoff-Kongress”) builds on successful previous conferences — the most sucsessfull took place in 2013: With 180 participants (60% up on 2012) from 23 countries (up 50%), the conference in 2013 further established it as a major industry meeting-place and visitors both grew in number and became more international. Lengthening the conference to three days to provide comprehensive coverage of political, industrial and scientific issues — in conjunction with Professor Dr. Jörg Müssig from Bremen University of Applied Science’s Bionics Innovation Centre — proved a success. Further information on the preliminary programme is online at: www.biowerkstoff-kongress.de/programme Source: nova-institute GmbH