Zur Vorbereitung des Arbeitsprogramms 2018 – 2020 für die Forschungsbereiche Nanotechnologien, Fortgeschrittene Werkstoffe, Biotechnologie und Fortgeschrittene Fertigung und Verarbeitung von Horizon 2020 hat die Europäische Kommission mit einer öffentlichen Anhörung begonnen. Ideen und Beiträge können bis 11. Mai 2016 online mitgeteilt werden.
Insgesamt fünf Fragen sind zu beantworten — Auszug aus der Stakeholder-Konsultation:
“Please consider the four areas of NMBP, depending on your expertise: Nanotechnologies, Advanced Materials, Biotechnology, and Advanced Manufacturing and Processing. Please include any links to the societal challenges addressed in Horizon 2020, which you consider important.
What are the challenges in the field concerned that require action under the Work Programme 2018 – 2020? And would they require an integrated approach across the societal challenges and leadership in enabling and industrial technologies?
What is the output/impact that could be foreseen? Which innovation aspects could reach market deployment within 5 – 7 years?
Which gaps (science and technology, innovation, markets, policy) and potential game changers, including the role of the public sector in accelerating changes, need to be taken into account?
Which areas could benefit from integration of horizontal aspects such as social sciences and humanities, responsible research and innovation, gender aspects, and climate and sustainable development?
How can the NMBP part address as effectively as possible the emerging supply chains, notably in the context of the 4th industrial revolution, in which the fusion of technologies is blurring the lines between the physical and digital spheres?
Please send your responses to RTD-NMBP-H2020STAKEHOLDERS(at)ec.europa.eu .” Den vollständigen Konsultationstext finden Sie in der rechten Spalte. Quellen: EU, KoWi