Französisch-deutsche Förderintiative für Natur‑, Lebens und Ingenieurwissenschaften
In 2012, the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) agreed on a joint funding initiative open to the fields of the Natural, Life and Engineering Sciences including interdisciplinary research – with exception of Cancer and AIDS Research, Space Technology, Nuclear Research and Defense. Following up on this successful collaboration, ANR and DFG recently arranged a continuation. The Humanities and Social Sciences have not been included because of their separately implemented bilateral ANR-DFG programme. The ANR-DFG Cooperation 2015 will be managed as a unilateral lead agency procedure with ANR serving as the lead agency.
The duration of the projects could be up to three years.
For German applicants DFG’s regular eligibility criteria apply.
Assessment of all applications will be made by the ANR according to its rules for the generic call.
The DFG funding decisions will be based on ANR’s evaluation results. DFG’s decision making will be according to its regular procedure. Decisions can be expected in October 2015.
In case of approval, the research projects will be funded by each partner institution. Funding will be granted from the regular budgets of ANR and DFG.
Please note: The anticipated funding rate might be lower than DFG’s national rate.
According to ANR and its rules a two-step procedure applies:
Pre-registration: Applicants have to pre-register at the dedicated ANR website by 18 November 2014, 13h CET. This pre-registration is crucial – otherwise a full proposal cannot be submitted.
Full proposals must be submitted to ANR until 30 March 2015, 13h CET. Proposals received after the deadline will not be eligible.
Please note: For technical reasons all application data and files incl. ANR financial sheet have to be uploaded to the DFG via its submission system “élan” as well. “ANR/DFG2015” will be found under “Call for proposals” in due time. ANR contact: international(at) For scientific queries please choose the respective programme director in the DFG by using the following link: Quelle: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft